What Have I Done Lately?
Talent Solutions RPO Ignite Recruitment Marketing
Landing Pages (Just a few…and yes, I wrote all of it)
Paid Ad Samples

The Old Stuff (not that old)
Sightline Payments
A fintech company providing digital payments and loyalty solutions to the legalized gaming industry.
Data & Loyalty 2.0 (Blog) | Cashless Can Mean More Safety & Security (Blog) | Sightline Launches New Website and Insight Series (Press Release) | Omnichannel White Paper | Last Case for Cashless (Advertorial for Gambling Insider Magazine, page 8-9)
Ring Ring Marketing
RRM is a digital marketing agency. I wrote and was the project manager for the development of their website (see below). I also wrote lots of emails, social posts, and other types of marketing copy.
RRM Website | Webinar Landing Page | Q2 2022 Industry Earnings Summary | Email From CEO (Ghostwritten)
Allegiant Air Web Copy
I wrote more copy for Allegiant than I have time to explain. I wrote ads for radio and TV. I wrote emails. I helped design entire marketing campaigns. I wrote headlines. I wrote long-form. Below are a few examples.
Allegiant Destination Descriptions | Savannah Blog | How to Allegiant
Solvasa Integrative Beauty
The New Home Experts Las Vegas
Web copy and marketing emails.
Instructor Feature | Franchise Website
Features, Short Stories & Blogs
I’ve been published in The Dark City: Crime & Mystery Magazine, Nevada Magazine and other publications, and I’ve written blogs for the travel, fitness, beauty, real estate, and apparel industries. Full samples can be provided upon request.