What Have I Done Lately?

Talent Solutions RPO Ignite Recruitment Marketing

Landing Pages (Just a few…and yes, I wrote all of it)

Paid Ad Samples

The Old Stuff (not that old)

Sightline Payments

A fintech company providing digital payments and loyalty solutions to the legalized gaming industry.

Data & Loyalty 2.0 (Blog) | Cashless Can Mean More Safety & Security (Blog) | Sightline Launches New Website and Insight Series (Press Release) | Omnichannel White Paper | Last Case for Cashless (Advertorial for Gambling Insider Magazine, page 8-9)

Ring Ring Marketing

RRM is a digital marketing agency. I wrote and was the project manager for the development of their website (see below). I also wrote lots of emails, social posts, and other types of marketing copy.

RRM Website | Webinar Landing Page | Q2 2022 Industry Earnings Summary | Email From CEO (Ghostwritten)

Allegiant Air Web Copy

I wrote more copy for Allegiant than I have time to explain. I wrote ads for radio and TV. I wrote emails. I helped design entire marketing campaigns. I wrote headlines. I wrote long-form. Below are a few examples.

Allegiant Destination Descriptions | Savannah Blog | How to Allegiant

Solvasa Integrative Beauty

Feed Your Face

The New Home Experts Las Vegas

Web copy and marketing emails.


Instructor Feature | Franchise Website

Features, Short Stories & Blogs

I’ve been published in The Dark City: Crime & Mystery Magazine, Nevada Magazine and other publications, and I’ve written blogs for the travel, fitness, beauty, real estate, and apparel industries. Full samples can be provided upon request.

The Dark City: Crime & Mystery Magazine | Nevada Magazine

